Our Story

Hope for Orphans Rescue and Education Centre (HOREC) is a non-governmental, non-profit making charitable children’s organization that has been in existence since year 2005.

HOREC’s  core focus is on health, nutrition  and education which is inclusive of psycho-social support to Orphans and Vulnerable children (OVC), both boys and girls, who are both infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS .

Currently HOREC is home to 128 children (46 residential and 82 who are supported through our outreach program). HOREC has managed to foster a lasting partnership as well as engage the community in supporting and protecting the children.

Through the support of our friends and partners, HOREC has been able to have self-sustainable projects geared towards ensuring our children are well catered for.

Hope for Orphans Rescue and Education Centre was founded by Christine Wambui in 2005 after volunteering in Nairobi slums, taking care of women living with HIV/AIDS. Christine, fondly referred to as Mom, experienced first-hand neglect and abuse to children whose parents succumbed to HIV/AIDs.

She made numerous appeals to have the children assimilated into the program and provided with a safe haven but to no avail. With the cases of orphaned children being sexually and physically abused on the rise, Christine took the bold step of rescuing the children and taking them into her own home.

It was a tough and costly decision. She had to close her beauty salon to dedicate all her energy in taking care of the children. The children were not well received in the community as at the time, HIV was associated with death and finding help was an uphill task.

Christine Wambui was able to raise limited resources from family, well-wishers and in the process rented a single room that provided shelter for the girls she had rescued. She was able to get services of a volunteer house mother who assisted in taking care and protection of the children.

The growth of the home over the years has been phenomenal and through God’s grace, the first bold step by Christine has seen many partners come on board to provide 128 children with quality education, nutrition, shelter, care and a family that continues to grow with every passing year.

Sequence of events since 2005

Mom establishes the home in a rented single room in Ruai after moving the children from her home. The number of children steadily rose from 6 to 11 by the end of 2005. Then HOREC depended on local churches and individuals for the children’s basic needs.

HOREC was solely taking in girls but that changed in 2006. Boys were equally being abused by their guardians and forced into child labour. The boys never attended school and were severely malnourished. This prompted mom Christine to start admitting boys who were brothers to the rescued girl into the home. The number of children at the end of 2006 had grown to 20. HOREC then relied on individuals and local churches for support.

In June, Leanner Caler a volunteer from the US was moved by the plight of children and purchased a piece of land in Mutalia, Machakos County where HOREC sits to date. With land and no buildings in place, HOREC approached Barclays Bank of Kenya (BBK) to help in the construction of the children’s dorm. BBK had the plea of HOREC and started the construction of the dorm as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR). That same year, mom Christine wrote a one paragraph email to Global Hope requesting for help. In 2007, Christine wrote a two paragraph email to Ike Elliot of Global Hope requesting for help.

It was not a complex proposal but a simple email requesting for food and school fees for the Children under her care. God answered her prayers as Global Hope replied to her email and offered to send their Kenya represent to the home. Global Hope has supported HOREC years and has been sending teams to visit the children.

BBK completed the construction of the dorm in October and the elated children moved to their new home in December 2008. The dorm also doubled as the dining and study room for our 28 children. It was a challenging year for HOREC family as we had to deal with many cases of illnesses. Three of our girls were admitted for long periods of upto one year.
The many cases resulted from the children who were rescued from the community suffering from opportunistic ignorance resulting from ignorance and stigma associated with HIV/AIDS. Members of the community associated HIV/AIDS with death thus the many cases of neglect.

Due to the high number of hospitalization cases, HOREC requested NSR from Australia, which has partnered with HOREC since 2007, to purchase a car to transport the children to hospital when they fell ill. NSR media fundraised and purchased the home a car that has been used to transport the children to hospital.

God was faithful that year as The First United Methodist Church of Durango (FUMC) constructed a dining hall that also served as the church, meeting and entertainment room for the children.

The Abundance of God grace was in evident in 2010. The health of our children had greatly improved. Except for the routine medical visit to Lea Toto, where our children get medicine, we never had any serious cases of sickness among our children. The produce from our farm was abundant and we got enough surpluses to sell to the community.

HOREC acquired additional land for cultivation thanks to the generous donation from FUMC. The one acre land has now been fully utilized-beans, corn, Napier grass, bananas and vegetables have been planted. FUMC also funded the construction of the library and office. The number of children had risen to 35 with three sitting for their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE)
The water project was completed in 2011.

It was a good year for the HOREC family as the girls who sat for their national exams performed well and joined reputable High Schools and colleges.

Agnes and Beverlyne scored over 300 marks out of 500 marks in KCPE. Caroline who sat for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) got a sponsorship from a catholic Institution to pursue a course in hospitality.

The number of children under our care had grown to 38. Our four girls Grace, Susan, Colleta and Miriam who had sat for their KCPE received their results. It was a proud moment as all the children scored impressive marks that allowed them to join various High Schools in Machakos County. The same year in November HOREC conducted its first marathon to help in raising funds for the Comprehensive Care Clinic.

HOREC family is growing every year and 2014 was not any different. The number of children had increased to 42. That same year three children; Ruth, Josephine and Isaac received their national exam results. Their performance had greatly improved from the previous year. We had one candidate; Alice who did her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam and managed to score a B-(Minus). We organized a sports day to raise more funds to complete the Comprehensive Care Clinic

HOREC started an Outreach Program with Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF).

HOREC was able to complete the first phase of the Comprehensive Care Clinic. The Clinic opened its doors to the community and continues to provide unmatched care to its clients. The number increased by 2 children; Dan & Grace

God’s faithfulness was seen as 4 of HOREC’s children were able to complete their Secondary School Education; Colleta, Susan, Grace & Agnes. HOREC also celebrated its 12 year Anniversary. The introduction of Charity Ambassadors also came as a boost to the project. 3 new children were received; Julia, Ann & David. The year was climaxed by the first ever Awareness Walk where the children made Red ribbons & went out to share with the Community facts about HIV/AIDs.

HOREC enrolled its first lot of Campus Students for Academic Placement in the center.